

Termites can be a nightmare for homeowners as they can cause severe structural damage to homes and other buildings. Damage from termites often goes unnoticed until significant and expensive repairs are required. However, being informed about the warning signs that a termite infestation may be present can help you take the appropriate steps toward preventing or eliminating the problem. 

What are Termites? 

Termites are small insects that are typically smaller than a half-inch long. Termites live in colonies with their own systems and hierarchies, and these colonies vary in size, ranging from only two individuals to several hundred termites. Mature termite colonies can expand to contain as many as 60,000 to 1 million termites, depending on the kind of colony. 

Termites feed on wood for the cellulose content, which can result in extensive damage to the internal structures of homes and buildings.  

Termites in Canada 

The most commonly seen species of termites in Canada include: 

  • Eastern Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes flavipes)  
  • Western Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes Hesperus)  
  • Pacific Dampwood Termite (Zootermopsis angusticollis). 

Located in different areas of Canada, subterranean termites tend to be distributed predominantly in urban areas, whereas dampwood termites typically can be found on the western coast of Canada. Subterranean termite species are responsible for the majority of damage that is inflicted on homes, and the dampwood species of termites commonly target extremely moist and rotting wood. The presence of dampwood termites often indicates that there is an ongoing moisture problem. 

Can you See Termites? 

Termites can be seen with the naked human eye, however, they are experts at hiding as they burrow within the walls of homes. This means termites commonly go unnoticed for extended periods of time while they eat away at the internal structure of the building.  

What do Termites Eat? 

Termites consume dead plants and trees which contain a nutrient-dense fibre called cellulose. While termites primarily eat wood, they will also sometimes eat other materials including drywall or plastic materials. The preferred diet for termites depends on their type with dampwood termites prefer moist and rotting wood while drywood and subterranean termites require minimal moisture, which is why they thrive and multiply so well in places such as basements and attics. Termites feed on the structure of the home itself as well as its foundation, furnishings, and occasionally even paper products such as books. 

What are the Signs of a Termite Infestation? 

Termites can exist within a home for several years before the damage they caused becomes visible to the home’s inhabitants. Some signs of a termite infestation include: 

  • Swarming of termites at lights or windows 
  • Finding termite wings caught in cobwebs and on window ledges  
  • The presence of ‘mud tubes’ which are mud-colored structures resembling large straws 
  • Portions of wood are hollowed out 
  • Tiny piles of sawdust 
  • Discovery of soft spots on floor joists or loosening floor tile 
  • Hollow-sounding walls 
  • Drywall damage that bubbles under paint or wallpaper 

Sometimes signs of a termite infection can show up suddenly, or they go undiscovered for years (often until renovations are being completed). All types of homes are susceptible to infestations and can provide cellulose-rich food for termites. It’s important not to wait until signs of termites are visible to take preventative measures as by then the infestation is likely well established. 

How to Prevent a Termite Infestation 

There are a number of things that can be done to help deter termites from infesting your home. Experts suggest keeping the soil around the foundation as dry as possible through appropriate grading and drainage systems and reducing access to your home for termites by repairing any cracks in the foundation with caulk or grout.  

In addition, you should consider: 

  • Avoid planting any shrubs and trees too close to the home and foundation. 
  • Preventing standing water from collecting near the home. 
  • Getting rid of tree stumps and dead or rotting wood near the home. 
  • Schedule routine inspections of your home for pests and potential damage. 
  • Immediately repairing any leaky faucets and/or pipes. 
  • Keeping lumber and firewood away from the home’s foundation. 
  • Keeping downspouts and gutters clear. 
  • Keeping all vents clear. 
  • Removing excessive plant cover. 

If you are concerned that termites may have invaded your home, contact an expert inspector as soon as possible to do a thorough inspection of your home and confirm whether termites are present. If you have seen signs that termites are already in your home, it is important to contact an exterminator as soon as possible. If you want to learn more about termite infestations or to receive a free home inspection quote, contact us at Building Insights today!  


Asbestos 101

What Is Asbestos? 

Asbestos is a naturally occurring type of mineral fiber that can only be identified through a special kind of microscope. There are several different forms of asbestos fibers which in the past were added to many various products to provide them with additional strength, fire resistance, and heat insulation.  

How Does Asbestos Affect Human Health? 

There has been a significant amount of research done on individuals who were exposed to asbestos in various environments, such as in shipyards or factories. We now know that breathing large amounts of asbestos fibers leads to an increased risk of developing lung cancer, specifically mesothelioma. This type of cancer affects the lining of the abdominal cavity and chest. Asbestos exposure can also lead to asbestosis, which causes the lungs to develop scar tissue.  

These risks increase with the number of fibres that have been inhaled. Smoking tobacco also increases the risk of developing lung cancer related to asbestos exposure. In most cases, individuals who develop asbestosis have sustained prolonged exposure to high levels of asbestos fibres. The symptoms related to these diseases typically do not arise until 20 to 30 years after the initial asbestos exposure.  

When exposed to a smaller amount of asbestos fibres in their daily lives, most people do not develop serious health problems. When asbestos fibres are disturbed, however, fibres can be released from the material which in turn can be inhaled into the lungs. These fibres can remain within the lungs for extended periods, which increases the risk of developing lung disease. Asbestos materials that are crumbly when handled, or have been scraped, sanded, or sawed are more likely to result in a health hazard.    

Where Can Asbestos Hazards Be Found in a Home? 

While it is no longer common practice to use asbestos materials when insulating or fireproofing a home, it can still be found in older homes. An experienced home inspector can help you to identify potential asbestos materials in your home. Some of the most commonly found areas that contain asbestos include:  

  • Siding & Roofing Shingles Made with Asbestos Cement 
  • Insulation in Houses Built Between 1930 – 1950  
  • Textured Paint & Some Patching Compounds (Banned in 1977.) 
  • Artificial Embers or Ashes for Gas-Fired Fireplaces  
  • Older Fire-Proofed Products (such as stove-top pads) 
  • Floors & Walls Surrounding Wood-Burning Stoves (protected with asbestos cement sheets, millboard, or paper.) 
  • Vinyl Floor Tiles & Backings on Vinyl Sheet Adhesives & Flooring 
  • Steam & Hot Water Pipes in Older Homes (often coated in asbestos materials or covered with asbestos tape or blanket.) 
  • Coal or Oil Furnaces, as well as Door Gaskets, may Contain Asbestos Insulation 

What Can Be Done About Asbestos in the Home? 

If you think there may be asbestos materials within your home, there’s no need to panic.  In most cases, the best course of action is to leave any asbestos material that you find in good condition undisturbed. Generally, asbestos material that is in good condition does not release harmful asbestos fibers. Asbestos only becomes dangerous when the material is disturbed and the tiny fibers are released into the air and inhaled. 

If you discover asbestos in your home, don’t touch it, but examine it thoroughly for signs of damage or wear, such as water damage, tears, or abrasions. Damaged asbestos materials pose a health risk, as they will release dangerous fibers. This is particularly dangerous if the materials are disturbed by handling, hitting, or rubbing, or if they are exposed to significant vibrations or airflow. The best course of action for slightly damaged material is to reduce access to the area and ensure that the material is not touched or disturbed in any way. Damaged asbestos materials should be carefully removed and discarded according to local health and environmental regulations. If you discover materials that are damaged more significantly, or if you are planning to make changes or renovations within your home, removal or repair by a professional is highly recommended. 

The Bottom Line 

Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that in the past was heavily used in a variety of home fireproofing and insulation products. When left undisturbed behind walls or flooring, it is generally considered safe. Before you have your home listed for sale or you embark on a renovation project, it is important first to establish whether there are asbestos materials within your home. If you are unsure about whether your home contains asbestos materials, or whether there is a health hazard involved, it is best to leave it to a professional.  

Contact Building Insights today to learn more or to receive your free quote!  


What is the Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Appraisal

If you’re considering selling your home or purchasing a new one, you’ve likely heard the terms ‘home appraisal’ and ‘home inspection’ come up as you familiarize yourself with the buying or selling process.  

Both a home inspection and an appraisal are essential elements in most real estate deals. But for new buyers or sellers, it is common for there to be confusion surrounding these two terms. A home inspector and appraiser offer two different services, but both include a thorough evaluation of the home.  

It is important to understand the differences between these two service providers, as well as their role in the buying or selling process, in order to be properly informed before you begin.  

In this article, we will explore the differences between a home appraisal and a home inspection as well as how to know which is right for you.  

What Is a Home Appraisal? 

A home appraisal is also occasionally referred to as a real estate appraisal or property appraisal. It consists of a third-party report that is created by a professional home appraiser. The purpose of an appraisal is to inform the homeowner (or interested buyer) and their mortgage lender of the current monetary value of the property.  

Home appraisals help to ensure that all involved parties in a real estate deal are provided with an accurate, current, and fair value of the property. Home appraisers calculate the value by checking the general condition of the property as well as comparing it against other homes in the area that have recently sold or are currently listed. A professional appraiser will also look at such things as square footage, the number of bathrooms and bedrooms, any signs of obvious damage, the quality of the views and property as well as the condition of the major systems and structures within the home.  

Appraisals will often factor in elements of the neighbourhood such as nearby schools, walkability and proximity to amenities, local crime rates, future construction zones, and other things that can affect the value of the home.  

What Is a Home Inspection? 

A home inspection involves a thorough examination of all elements of the home and property. The home inspector will identify potential issues with the home such as foundation issues, damage or leaking of the roof, mold or water damage, building code violations, signs of pet infestations, or faulty or poorly installed electrical or plumbing systems, to name a few.  

A home inspector’s job is not to report on the monetary value of the home, but on how well-maintained the home is, identify repairs that need to be made, estimate overall maintenance costs, and potential future expenses that are related to the upkeep of the home.  

While an appraisal will report on the general condition of the home, an inspection looks at the home in more detail and identifies current and future issues for the buyer to be aware of. They will look at the condition of the doors and windows, drywall, flooring, woodwork, plumbing, electrical, major appliances such as furnaces and water heaters, the roof, foundation, and the property as a whole.  

Do I Need Both an Appraisal and a Home Inspection? 

If you are the buyer, a home appraisal is almost always required if you need to secure a mortgage from a lender in order to purchase the home. Even though a home inspection isn’t always mandatory, it is highly recommended when you are in the process of purchasing a home. While a home inspection will add a small expense to the process, it can save you thousands of dollars down the road.  

Both a home inspection and an appraisal will help you establish whether the property you are considering is truly worth the amount it is being sold for. A home inspection is especially recommended in situations where the property is on the older side, is in a neighbourhood you are not familiar with, or is no longer under a builder or developer’s warranty.  

The Bottom Line  

A home appraisal and a home inspection will help to give you a full picture of the property you are interested in, without having to go only on the word of the seller and their agent. In almost all cases it is strongly recommended to have both services performed to ensure your peace of mind.  

If you want to learn more about the home inspection process, receive a free quote, or book your home inspection, contact us at Building Insights today!  



Odour Remediation

The smell of a person’s home can be as unique as the home or the person itself, and there are no two homes that smell exactly the same. Smells within a home can vary widely depending on the food that is cooked, cleaning and laundry products that are used, whether there are pets in the home, whether the inhabitants are smokers, and the list goes on. In the home inspection industry, unwelcome contaminants that alter the smell of a home are referred to as ‘malodors.’  

Anything from smoke, char, mold, wet materials, sewage, pests, and mildew are all examples of things that can cause the development of unwelcome and unpleasant smells within a home. Whether you are preparing your home to be sold, are considering purchasing a home, or are simply wanting to eliminate unpleasant smells in your home, there are many things that can be done. Here are our best tips when it comes to removing unpleasant and unwanted smells from a home: 

Identify the Smell 

While this may seem obvious, it can often be one of the most difficult parts of odor remediation. In some cases, identifying the source of the odor is easy (such as tobacco smoke, or mold) and sometimes it can be more complex. This can also be difficult because it is common for smells to be experienced differently by different people.  

Remove the Source 

Once you have identified the source of the odor, the next step is to remove the source of the odor. Again, how involved this is will depend on what is causing the unpleasant smell. In some cases, this means removing rugs and carpets that cannot be salvaged or finding removing pests or deceased wildlife. In other cases, it can mean a more involved odor remediation plan, such as addressing smoke damage following a fire. 

Do a Thorough Cleaning 

Once you have identified and removed the source of the odor, you are well on your way toward eliminating the odor from your home. The next step involves a deep and thorough cleaning of the area, or ideally, the entire home. It is important to remember that using products that are heavily perfumed, including air fresheners and scented candles, will not be effective in eliminating the odor, they will only mask it.  

The Power of Baking Soda  

While there are so many products available to help remove unpleasant odors, they can be expensive and often release unpleasant smells of their own. Depending on the severity of the smell, baking soda can be incredibly effective. Leaving whole boxes of baking soda open in the area where the smell is most concentrated will allow the baking soda to absorb and trap the odor. Baking soda can also be sprinkled on carpets and rugs, used in laundry, and more.  

Fresh Air & Ventilation  

Even though you’ve removed the source of the odor and cleared the home thoroughly, the smell in your home may still linger. The best thing you can do at this point is open up all your windows, and use fans and air purifiers. Moving the air with the unpleasant smell out of your home and replacing it with clean, fresh, outdoor air will do wonders.  

Ask an Expert  

If all of the above tips fail, it’s time to call an expert. Home inspectors are experts when it comes to identifying, removing, and eliminating unpleasant odors in residential homes. Not only will a home inspector be able to identify the source of the smell, but they will also be able to provide you with their best advice on how to eliminate the odor completely. Working with an experienced home inspector means you won’t waste time on methods that don’t work, or struggling to identify the source of the smell, which can save you lots of money and stress in the long run.  

The Bottom Line  

When it comes to unpleasant odors in a home, the solution for removing them isn’t always black and white. It is important to correctly identify the source or the smell in order to effectively remove the odor, and this can often be the most difficult part of the process. Hiring a licensed and experienced home inspector is often the best option when it comes to odor remediation. At Building Insights, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table and pride ourselves on providing the highest level of service and experience. Contact Building Insights today for a free quote or to book your home inspection today!



Home Inspection Tips for Buyers in 2023

The process of buying a home can often take months. By the time you feel prepared to close on a certain property, you may think you know all there is to know about it. However, it can be difficult to know what to keep an eye out for when examining potential problems and repairs later down the road.  

Hiring a home inspector during your home-buying process can ensure that the property you choose is right for you before you move in. A home inspection can also inform what the level of maintenance on the property will be. There are a few key things to keep in mind during the home inspection process to ensure that you are informed and protected when purchasing your home. Our top home inspection tips for buyers in 2023 include:  

Understand the Home Inspection Process 

A home inspection involves a detailed visual examination and evaluation of a home, and is typically part of the home buying process, though home inspections can be helpful in other situations as well.  

In most cases, a home inspector is hired by the prospective buyer, and the inspection occurs prior to closing but after the buyer’s offer has been accepted by the seller.  

A home inspection helps to identify potential flaws in the systems within or structure of the home. This helps to ensure that unsuspecting buyers don’t move into a possibly hazardous home. While a home inspection adds a relatively small cost to the buying process, it can save the buyer significant amounts of money, stress, and time in the long run. If the home inspector uncovers problems or the need for necessary repairs during the inspection, the buyer can negotiate with the seller to have the repairs done or offer a lower sale price. The buyer also has the option of backing out of the sale should the inspector discover significant issues with the home.  

A home inspector will conduct a thorough examination of all interior and exterior elements of the home, from the roof to the foundation. This includes examining the heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems, as well as all structural elements such as windows, doors, floors, walls, ceilings, and staircases. Once the inspection has been completed, the inspector will create an extensive report that includes the details of all of their findings.  

Appreciate the Importance of a Home Inspection 

While a home inspection adds another expense to what can already be a costly process, it almost always proves to be money well spent. A home inspection protects the buyer and ensures that they have all the necessary information before committing to one of the biggest purchases of their lifetime. When problems are identified during a pre-close home inspection, those issues are still the responsibility of the seller and must be addressed in some way.  

A home inspection also helps to inform the buyer about the projected maintenance costs involved with the home. This extra step during the home buying process helps to ensure that you are moving into a home that is safe, in good condition, and won’t result in significant unwelcome surprises and expenses as time goes on.  

Ask The Seller About a Pre-Listing Inspection 

Sometimes, a seller will hire a home inspector before they list their home on the market. This can help to protect both the seller and the buyer and can eliminate surprises or failed deals during the selling process. If you are considering or are in the process of purchasing a particular home, ask the seller if they had a pre-listing home inspection done.  

A pre-listing home inspection can also help the seller price the property accurately, and give them the opportunity to make any major repairs or replacements before listing the home. 

Find the Right Home Inspector 

Finding the right home inspector is maybe the most important element of the home inspection process. An accurate and thorough home inspection requires extensive training, expertise, and knowledge on the part of the inspector. When choosing a home inspector, you want to examine their licensing, certifications, experience, and reputation within the industry. A home inspector who has dedicated their time and money to developing their craft and gaining the necessary training and certification will usually be among the most highly recommended in a particular region.  

At Building Insights, our inspection services and reports far surpass the standards within the industry. Keith Langlois is a registered home inspector who is qualified through the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors. Keith also brings more than 20 years of experience and expertise to the table and prides himself on providing the highest level of service and integrity. Contact Building Insights for your free quote or to book your home inspection today!


10 Common Issues Found on Home Inspections

Everybody knows that buying a house is serious business. Whether you are considering a newly constructed estate or a modest fixer-upper, getting an inside look at your possible new home is essential. An experienced and qualified home inspector is always the best option when it comes to a thorough home evaluation, but having a good general understanding of what to look out for is a good idea.


Here are the top ten most commonly found issues during home inspections:


1. Faulty Wiring – Whether it’s the result of outdated systems or inadequate homeowner additions, issues with bad wiring are among the most commonly found defects, particularly within older homes. Any problems with the home’s electrical system are safety-related and should be addressed immediately.


2. Roof Problems – Roof problems as a result of improper installation or aging surfaces can occur frequently. It is also common to see improperly installed or absent flashing at transitional areas of the roof. In some cases, the roof can be repaired, and in other cases, the entire roof may need to be replaced depending on the location and severity of the damage.


3. Defective Heating/Cooling System – Inadequate maintenance practices, improper installation, and older systems and components are commonly found when inspecting the heating and/or cooling systems in a home.


4. Plumbing Problems – Some of the most commonly found issues during a home inspection are related to leaking, problematic, or older plumbing systems. In most cases, repairs or minor replacements can be made, but sometimes a total system replacement is necessary.


5. Poor Insulation and Ventilation – A poorly insulated ventilated space, especially in the attic or basement, can result in excessive utility costs and an overall lack of occupant comfort.


6. General Poor Maintenance – When general maintenance tasks are avoided or deferred, this can result in a potentially high-cost situation when it comes to bringing the house up to code and into good condition. If the current homeowner neglected to properly care for their home, the next owner will have to.


7. Poor Drainage Surrounding the Structure – It is essential that water drains away from the house around its perimeter in order to prevent water from leaking into the home and causing damage. In some cases, roof gutters and downspouts can be added to eliminate site drainage problems.


8. Cracks in Window Perimeters – Gaps or cracks in the structure or at the perimeter of windows can allow cold air and water to enter the home. When water gets into the wall cavities, mold can begin to grow inside and can cause widespread damage and serious health and safety concerns.


9. Structural Damage – Sometimes cut and/or broken trusses are seen in attic spaces and occasionally the inspector may see that entire structural components are missing. Typically repairs are needed to ensure the safety and structural integrity of the home.


10. Potential Environmental Problems – Indications of mold growth and/or water damage are among the most commonly seen issues during home inspections. Water damage or dampness, especially in the basement, can be a sign of larger issues with the foundation and insulation of the home and should be taken seriously. Potential homebuyers might want to consider a comprehensive environmental inspection and evaluation of the property before purchasing.


What Happens When a Home Fails an Inspection?


While learning that the house you’re interested in buying has one or more of the issues on this list can be disappointing, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any options. After the home inspection, the interested buyers can request that repairs be made to the property in what is called a ‘repair request addendum.’ Within this document, the buyer can list any problem areas they wish to be repaired and addressed or be offered financial compensation for the repairs. Before submitting this document, it is a good idea to have a licensed contractor provide you with a quote of what the cost of the necessary repairs might be. While you are entitled to submit this document, the seller is not obligated to comply. If the seller refuses, the potential buyer is protected as they can walk away from the agreement and have their money returned, and simply continue their house search.


In some cases, the buyer may be so in love with the home that they are willing to spend their money on minor repairs. The best course of action depends on how severe and extensive the problems may be and what the cost of repairs could be.


Finding an experienced and reliable home inspector is one of the most important parts of the home-buying process. At Building Insights, we bring a wealth of knowledge, integrity, and expertise to each and every inspection we conduct. Contact us today to schedule your home inspection and get a free quote!


Home Maintenance Seasonal Checklist

Just like routine checkups with your doctor or dentist, having a regular maintenance schedule for your home is vitally important for the health and longevity of your home. Routinely evaluating the state of your home’s exterior, heating and cooling system, plumbing, appliances, electrical system, foundation, roof, and windows and doors will help to keep your home looking great, prevent problems, and save you money in the long run.  

We’ve compiled a list of routine home maintenance tasks which will help you to schedule seasonal cleaning, repairs, and updates, as well as tasks that should be completed every month. It is important to revisit this list regularly, as well as at the change of seasons to ensure your home is in the best condition possible. If you discover that any of the repairs or maintenance tasks are beyond your skill or comfort level, consider hiring a professional to help with those.  

The fall can be an ideal time to tackle some routine home maintenance tasks because the weather is typically quite dry and the temperatures are usually moderate. Read on to discover our seasonal home improvement tasks for the fall: 

Have your Furnace and Heating System Inspected – Before the cold weather sets in, have your forced-air heating system and furnace inspected by a professional. It is best to schedule an inspection in the fall before the heating season begins. 

Check Any Fireplaces for Signs of Damage or Hazards – Examine any fireplaces for signs of damage or hazards and consider having a professional inspect and clean the chimney and fireplace flue before using it for the season. 

Clean your Windows and Screens – It is a great idea to clean the exterior of your windows and screens before the winter arrives.  

Seal Any Cracks or Gaps in the Doors or Windows – The fall is the time to seal any cracks and gaps in windows and doors with caulk or weather stripping. This will help to prevent cold drafts and high heating bills in the winter months. 

Consider Replacing Older Windows – You may need to consider swapping out old, drafty windows for newer and more energy-efficient options. 

Power Wash, Repair, and Touch Up Siding and Exterior with Paint – Fall offers a great time to clean up the exterior of your home. Take some time to power wash the brick or siding of the exterior of your home, watching for signs of damage. Repair any damage and touch up with paint as needed.  

Inspect Your Roof – You don’t want to wait for the cold and wet months to find out your roof is damaged or leaking. Inspect all roofing for any missing, loose, or damaged shingles and potential leaks. 

Clean out Your Gutters and Downspouts – Fall means lots of leaves on the ground, and in your gutters. Leaves can clog up your gutters which can result in overflowing gutters and downspouts which in turn can damage your home and the foundation.  

Replace Batteries in your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors – It is important to test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors every month. Batteries should be replaced every 3-4 months. It is essential to ensure that you install a smoke detector on every floor of the home, including the basement. 

Inspect your Water Heater – Visually inspect your water heater for any signs of rust or damage. Consider having it inspected by a professional at least once per year.  

Drain and Store / Insulate Outdoor Plumbing Fixtures – Fall is the ideal time to drain and store outdoor hoses, as well as drain your in-ground sprinkler system. This is also the perfect time to wrap insulation around any outdoor faucets and/or pipes in unheated garages. 

Clean and Tune Up Major Appliances Before the Holidays – You don’t want to wait until it’s time to put in the Christmas turkey to discover that your oven needs to be serviced! Fall is a great time to clean your major appliances and ensure they are in perfect working order.  

Have your Dryer and Heating Ducts Cleaned Out – This is a very important task, as neglected dryer vents can be a major fire hazard. You also want to make sure all your heating vents are clean and clear of any dust, pet hair, and other debris.  

Check for Any Frayed or Damaged Wires and Cords – Do a visual inspection of all wires and cords in your home, looking carefully for signs of damage, and any wires that may be frayed or need to be replaced.  

When in Doubt – Call a Home Inspector!  

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of tackling the tasks listed above, or simply want to leave those jobs to a professional, your best option is to hire an experienced home inspector. A home inspector will do a thorough examination of the interior and exterior of your home and will pay special attention to any areas that may pose a health or safety concern or need to be replaced. A qualified and knowledgeable home inspector knows exactly what to look for when inspecting a home, and will likely catch things that the regular homeowner might miss. Hiring a home inspector can save you a mountain of stress, time, and money in the long run. Contact us at Building Insights today to schedule a home inspection. We will go above and beyond to ensure your home is completely ready and safe for the cold winter months ahead.  


Fall Landscaping

As the seasons begin to change again, and the cooler fall weather is arriving, this is the perfect time to spend some time outside preparing your yard and garden for the coming winter months. While many people think of spring as the season to work in your yard, professional landscapers and home inspectors know that the fall is the best time to work in the yard, complete home maintenance tasks, and set your gardens and yard up for success come springtime. It is common, over the first few months of fall, to spend less time in your yard than you did during the summer. However, there are a few simple tasks that you can work on to prepare for winter and ensure ideal growing conditions once winter is over.  

Read on to learn about the most important fall landscaping and maintenance tasks to complete to keep your home and your yard healthy and thriving all year long.  

Reseed and Fertilize Your Lawn 

This is the time to address any bare patches on your lawn. Early fall is the best time to sow grass seed for the cool season because the soil beneath is still relatively warm and rainfall is particularly plentiful. This makes for ideal conditions for the grass to root, ensuring it will grow thick and lush come springtime.  

This time of year is also the best time to fertilize your lawn. Spreading fertilizer in October and November will help to stimulate root growth before the ground becomes freezing. By working to strengthen the roots of the grass now, you will help your lawn survive the harsh conditions of winter, as well as promote speedy growth once spring arrives.  

Cut Back Shrubs and Trim Dead Limbs & Branches 

If you are thinking about trimming back your existing shrubs and bushes, fall is the time to do that. Doing this job in early fall means that new growth will have a chance to harden off before the first major frost comes. This will help your shrubs to be in strong and healthy shape by springtime.  

Trimming dead or diseased limbs off your trees is also a good task to complete in the fall months. Identifying dead limbs is easier while the trees still have leaves on them. Removing the weaker branches before they become covered in snow and ice is important as the additional weight of the snow could cause them to break, which poses a safety issue for both your home and your family members.  

Cover Flower Beds with Leaves 

While it may be tempting to rake and bag up all the fallen leaves in your yard, those leaves actually offer excellent protection for your flower beds over the winter months. While the look of leaves covering your flower beds may not be ideal, the organic matter of the leaves will actually work to insulate your plants from snow and ice, which keeps them healthy as the colder months set in.  

Clean out your Eavestroughs 

While most trees don’t drop a whole lot of leaves or sticks throughout the summer months, by the end of the fall your eavestroughs and gutters will probably be quite full. Take the time before winter sets in to clear out clogged gutters and eavestroughs. This will prevent ice dams from forming in winter and overflowing gutters come springtime.  

Fill Foundation, Pathway, and Driveway Cracks 

Fall is the best time to fill any cracks in your driveway, foundation, or pathways. When water gets inside a small crack, the freezing temperatures will turn that water into ice, which will expand and further widen the existing cracks. If you take the time now to fill those cracks you will prevent the damage from becoming worse.  

Stock Up on Snow Removal Equipment and De-Icer 

You don’t want to wait until the first big snow or ice storm of the season to realize you don’t have the appropriate snow removal equipment. These supplies are essential to keep your walkways, stairs, and sidewalks clear. Stock up on shovels and salt-free de-icer in the fall to ensure you are ready when the cold weather comes.  

Sweep Off & Inspect Your Roof 

Fall is the best time to clear off your roof and inspect it for signs of damage or areas that need repair. Once the majority of the leaves have fallen off the trees, it is a good idea to sweep the leaves off your roof, as once the snow and ice come the weight of the leaves and debris will potentially cause damage or weaken the roof. If you aren’t comfortable or it doesn’t feel safe for you to inspect your roof, hire a professional to take this task on.  

Hire a Building Inspector 

Apart from the tasks listed above, one of the best things you can do to ensure your home and yard stay healthy and safe throughout the winter months is to hire a home inspector to do a walk around of your property. An experienced and licensed home inspector can help you examine the more dangerous or hard-to-reach places and catch areas of concern or damage that the untrained eye might miss. At Building Insights, we bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table, and we pride ourselves on offering the highest quality in service and integrity. Contact us now for your free quote!  


How Can You Purify the Air in Your Home?

Regardless of whether we’re inside or out, air quality as we breathe can have a significant impact on our health. Research has shown that poor air quality outdoors can lead to strokes, lung cancer, and heart disease. According to the WHO, poor air quality and air pollution result in approximately 7 million deaths across the globe every year.  

While it is difficult to control the quality of air outdoors, especially in public spaces, the air inside your home can be cleaned and purified with a bit of extra care and attention. In fact, studies have shown that the air inside your home in some cases can contain even more pollution than the air outdoors. Research has shown that we spend the majority of our time indoors, so taking care to ensure the quality of the air inside your home is important for the health and wellbeing of yourself and your family.  

What Causes Air Pollution Indoors? 

There is a wide range of reasons that the air inside your home may be polluted or of low quality. In some cases, items such as new furniture or building materials may release pollutants continuously. Other sources such as cleaning materials, smoking, or renovations can sporadically release pollutants and contribute to poor air quality. Sometimes, appliances can be the culprit, if they are not properly vented or are malfunctioning. This can lead to the release of pollutants indoors that may be at dangerous levels. Even higher-end or “trendy” appliances (such as gas stoves) can negatively affect air quality. 

The use of aerosol or sprayed air fresheners may make the air smell nice, but they are also a type of air pollution, releasing more possibly harmful chemicals into the air of your home. One study showed that health problems connected to the use of air fresheners cost hundreds of billions of dollars in treatment and productivity expenses.  

How Can I Improve the Air Quality in my Home? 

Open Your Windows – This may seem like an obvious point, but opening your windows often is the most inexpensive and simple way to improve the air quality in your home. Even just 5 minutes of open window time each day can go a long way toward alleviating the accumulation of air pollutants indoors.  

Get Some Houseplants – There are several types of popular houseplants that actually work to filter the air in your home and remove potentially toxic pollutants and vapors from the air. For instance, the well-known ‘spider plant’ effectively reduces the levels of formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide in your home’s air.  

Use Natural Products – If you are concerned about the air quality in your home, making the gradual switch to natural products is a great step. Instead of aerosol or spray air fresheners, opt for an essential oil diffuser to make your home smell fresh and clean. Choose beeswax or soy-based candles, to reduce the number of harmful particles in the air. When it comes to cleaning supplies, replace your chemical-based cleaners with more natural items, such as white vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.  

Remove your Shoes 

The shoes you wear outdoors can track some pretty dirty things including bacteria, pollen, fungi, animal feces, and pesticides. When you walk into your home with your shoes on, anything that may be on the bottoms or sides of your shoes will be tracked and carried throughout your home. The best thing to do is take your shoes off at the door and put on some slippers or indoor shoes. Not only will the air inside be cleaner, but so will your floors! 

Check your Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors  

This isn’t just about air quality, but it’s also about health and safety. Even if you aren’t concerned about the air quality in your home, it is vitally important to inspect, test, and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly to ensure they are working properly. You don’t want to wait until an emergency to find out they are malfunctioning! 

Run Your Air Conditioner & Use an Air Purifier  

If your home has a central air conditioning system, good news! Your house already has a built-in air filtration system. Central air works to filter the air by pulling the air from your home, cooling that air, and feeding it back in. Central air conditioning systems have filters that must be cleaned or replaced regularly. These filters work to trap particles in the air while the air conditioner does its job.  

Using an air purifier in your home is also an effective method to decrease the number of harmful particles that may be circulating in the air. Placing an air purifier in the bedroom is a great option, especially if you (or a family member) have asthma. If the air in your home is on the dryer side, you can also look into humidifiers that also work to purify the air.  

Talk to a Home Inspector! 

While the steps mentioned above are great ways to improve the quality of the air in your home, engaging with an experienced home inspector is the only way to be sure that the air you breathe at home is as clean and safe as possible. A home inspector can not only tell you how to improve your home’s air quality, but they can also identify the sources of potentially harmful or dangerous particles and toxins in the air of your home. At Building Insights, we pride ourselves on helping all of our clients maintain their homes and optimize their health and safety. Contact us today for your free quote or to schedule an inspection. We can’t wait to hear from you! 


Summer Home Maintenance Tips 

As we settle into summertime, the temperatures are continuing to rise, and we are anticipating the summer holidays and some much-needed rest and relaxation. During these warmer months, it’s important to remember that this season offers many opportunities to maintain and care for your home.  

You don’t want to wait until the cold of winter sets in to realize your roof needs repairs or to try to clean your eavestroughs when they’re frozen solid. The health of your home depends on some essential maintenance practices, and the summertime is the perfect time to tick a few of them off your list. By completing these maintenance tasks regularly, you greatly reduce the odds that you’ll have expensive and stressful issues occurring in your home. Read on for our list of the most important summer home maintenance tasks to tackle over the next couple of months. 

Check Out the Windows 

Windows that are damaged or improperly maintained can cause significant issues in your home to arise, such as poor insulation or water damage. Take some time to inspect both the inside and outside of each window in your home, looking for any cracks in the frames, holes in the screens, or faulty opening/closing mechanisms.   

Check out the Exterior 

Take a walk around your home and simply inspect the exterior elements. Examine the siding or brick of your home looking for signs of damage. This is also a great opportunity to power wash or hose down the exterior surfaces of your home.  

Inspect and Clean your Fans  

During the summer months, fans get a lot of use.  Before you fire them up, take some time to clean the blades, which may have collected lots of dust while not in use. This is also an excellent time to make sure they are functioning properly and efficiently.  

Inspect and Clean your Air Conditioner and Ducts  

Whether you have central air, window a/c units, or a portable air conditioner, these machines also require some routine maintenance to ensure they can effectively cool your home. This includes inspection of the unit for signs of damage, cleaning the vents and ducts, and changing out the filters for new ones.  

Check your Outside Space  

Take a walk around your property and examine your outdoor space for anything that may be damaged or need to be cleaned. Power Washing your driveway, sidewalk, and deck/patio is an immensely satisfying task! It’s always fun and surprising to see the “true” colour of things after a good power wash.  

Inspect the Grading Around your Home  

The grading around your home refers to the level of the ground and determines how and where water will flow. The grading around your home should always be ‘positive’ which means it should slope away from your home. Sometimes heavy snow and extreme weather over the colder months can result in damage or changes to the grading of your home. Inspect the ground around your house, looking for large cracks or general changes in the level or slope.  

Check Your Gutters  

The warmer months are an ideal time to clean out your gutters and downspouts. Allowing rainwater to run freely off and away from your home is paramount to its health. Ensuring that these elements are free and clear will go a long way towards protecting your roof, and avoiding water damage indoors.  

Summer home maintenance is vitally important and should not be neglected, even though we love to spend our summers enjoying some relaxation and much-needed vacations. Taking the time to complete the maintenance tasks listed above can go a long way toward ensuring that your home remains healthy and in great condition. In many cases, the homeowners who don’t prioritize these summer home maintenance tasks often end up costing themselves more money over time, because neglected home maintenance can result in some very costly repairs. At Building Insights, we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of service and experience when it comes to helping you maintain the condition of your home. We can help you with home maintenance over the summer months and work together to avoid major repair costs down the road. Contact us for your free quote today!